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This document was created based on mutual interest between parties, initiated by ‘’Green League’, Project reference no.: 101050262, funded by the European Union trough Erasmus + program under ERASMUS-SPORT-2021-SCP Action.
The aim of the project is to enhance the link between sport and the environment through experiential learning, promoting outdoor physical activity as a tool to support environmental awareness, and encouraging sustainable practices in sport.
The Green League project fosters the role of sport professionals and amateur athletes in promoting sport as a tool to contribute to environmental sustainability, by making use of experiential learning to generate environmental awareness through sport.
The project answers the needs of encouraging the population to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts and of promoting healthy lives and well-being for everyone, therefore using sport as a tool to generate environmental awareness while contributing to a healthier lifestyle.
The specific objectives of the project are:
- to build the capacity of sport professionals at EU level to promote outdoor physical activity as a tool to educate people on environmental matters;
- to design and deliver local sport events, promoting sport’s practice while passing on a common environmental awareness to young people, their families, and amateur athletes through experiential learning;
- to actively engage sport clubs, young sport players, and amateur athletes combining sport tournaments and environmental actions;
- to share the project’s key messages and values, while conducting tailored awareness-raising actions promoting the tangible role sport can play in enhancing environmental consciousness.
The Green League Model can be found here or downloaded from here.
Goodwill of future actions
In the spirit of goodwill, the parties express their willingness to:
Mutual Support: Providing mutual support in implementing Green League Model and its annexes and in facilitating the transferability of resources.
Advocacy and Visibility: Collaboration in advocacy initiatives and recognitions of Green League Model at Local, Regional, National and International level.
Dissemination and Community Building: Dissemination of project values and messages and encourage the adoption of the Green League Model practices and methods, thus striving to build a community of practitioners and engaging relevant stakeholders (sport organisations, local community, athletes, fans, sponsors, public authorities, and intermediaries/supporters) for sustainable impact.
Adaptation and Improvement: Striving to improve, adapt and enhance the link between sport and the environment through experiential learning, promoting outdoor physical activity as a tool to support environmental awareness.
Implementation: To organise and implement sport events in line with the Green League Model values and practices thus promoting sustainable and environmentally friendly initiatives, creating a positive impact on the environment, social and economic systems, fostering healthy and sustainable lifestyles, improving social cohesion and the link between sport and environment.
Registered Organisations
Athlin Foundation
Type: Other
Country: Cyprus